We Only Have _________ Years To “Save the Planet”

We Only Have _________ Years To “Save the Planet”

How many more times are these same satanic globalist going to use the same line? One would think after more than 30 years of a failed campaign that it would some how change. The narrative would shift and an entirely new slogan would arise. No, these are leftist, communist that can not think for themselves and believe we can’t, or don’t, think for ourselves either.

It might be a good idea if these people simply started with making their own bed every morning. I understand it’s not glamorous and grandiose, but it is action. Then, after making their own bed – every day – they could move on to something a little more meaningful, like keeping their lawn in great condition, followed by keeping the sidewalk swept. After these chores are all completed – every single day of their life – they could then move on to the homeless problem in their neighborhood. Get involved with the local orphanage, suicide prevention, recovery community and the other needs right their in their own neighborhood.

If these satanic globalist, and all their minions, actually cared the above list of activities would be the actual agenda. The planet would no longer be a thought, but maybe, just maybe, after seeing their neighbors in a different Light they would come to know God and His Son, Jesus Christ. At that point, the idea, thought, grandiose notion of “saving the planet” would be placed in the Hands that could actually make a change as the needs of our local communities began to lessen with each passing day. More people would see people instead of seeing “categories” of people. We would all be American-Americans instead of XX-American or white, black, brown, red, yellow people, we would just be people, God’s children.

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But instead they fly, by private jet, to “climate conferences” around the world to tell us to stop driving our SUV’s and they have the answers that are going to cost us lots and lots of our labor, called taxes, to pay to make the planet all better. What a scam. Don’t forget, we are the actual carbon these satanic globalist wish to eliminate.

Yes, these wonderful people, that can’t stay awake during the “most important meeting of the year”.

Can’t leave out one of the latest “scientist” to yell about how her leather shoes, leather furniture, chauffeur driven car, luxury apartment all need to shift to solar…oh wait, she’s saying that WE NEED TO CHANGE not her.

We can’t forget about the people ruining lives around the world. These people are popping up everywhere. They must be stopped, voted out of office, investigated, then confiscate all their assets to send a signal to the corrupt remaining behind. We are not going to stop until you are all arrested.

The legacy media and their CIA Operatives, like Anderson Cooper, are not exempt from the law, especially, when it comes to crimes against humanity.

Maybe there is a shift occurring. Maybe the people are awakening to the lies, corruption and demonic people that have been ruining their lives for decades.

Maybe this shift just started…

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